Reader Tips: Saving With Homemade Remedies

Loyal reader Mersida emailed me with this frugal tip for saving on medicine:

“I was at the ENT doctor a few days ago as I was feeling very congested and didn’t know what to do. He prescribed to me something out of the ordinary. Usually doctors don’t mind writing a prescription for Nasonex…which I tell you, costs a lot. He prescribed to me something homemade…a homemade nasal spray. It costs only a few cents per bottle and is more efficient than the ones we buy in the stores (turns out even more efficient than nasonex for me)

Hold off to your old nasal spray bottles as you’ll still need these…

So here we go:

-1 quart of water (if tap water boil it first)
-2-3 heaping tsp of sea salt (NOT the table salt as it contains additives)
-1 tsp of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda (just another use for Baking Soda which I LOVE- I always put half a cup in every load of laundry)
-1 tsp of glycerin (I got a big bottle of this at wal mart (at the pharmacy aisle) for 2.89$. This can go a long way.)

Mix all of the ingredients and put in a nasal spray bottle. Use 2-3 times a day every day. If you have a flu use up to 6-7 times a day. It is such a great and cheap way to feel better and it is already making a difference for me.

Throw away any unused portion of this mixture after 2 months.”

Thank you for sharing this home remedy with us, Mersida! Now that we’re in the thick of flu season (which my household has been battling for a few days), I’m curious to hear what else my readers are doing to save money on medicines. I’ve assembled a nice stockpile of cold and flu remedies that I’ve gotten for free with coupons and rebates – what’s your gameplan?

One Response to “Reader Tips: Saving With Homemade Remedies”

  1. 1
    Moses says:

    cruises really aren’t that enpsxeive, plus everything is included, food, drink, travel costs, room service, you never have to clean its amazing. its like you can go somewhere and actually enjoy the trip there. just find a cruise that leaves near where you live, so you don’t need to pay airfare, of course that would be impossible if you don’t live near a coast

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