Grocery Challenge Meals: Days 23 & 24

We’re in the last stretch of the All You Grocery Challenge – here’s our menu for Monday & Tuesday:

Day 23:

Sandwich station

We had company at lunchtime, so I set out a sandwich station of homemade bread, deli ham, shredded cheese, lettuce, salad, juice and shortbread cookies.

Steak and cheese quesadilla Steak and cheese quesadilla

We had one steak left over, so I chopped it up for dinner and made steak quesadillas flavored with chipotle seasoning salt and leftover taco sauce packets from Taco Bell! We also had a little bit of potato salad left, so we had that as well as some green salad for the side dish.

Day 24:


I made blueberry muffins for breakfast, using this recipe.

Blueberry muffins

We had company, so for lunch I set out another sandwich station of homemade bread, deli ham, lettuce, shredded cheese, deviled eggs, veggies with Blue Cheese dressing for dip, iced tea, shortbread cookies & muffins.

Sandwiches & more


For dinner, I chopped up some of the clearance chicken that I had bought & boiled the night before and made chicken enchiladas. Last year, I won a package of Shirley J Universal Sauce from Desperately Seeking Deals, and the recipe that I used was adapted from the recipe leaflet that came with the sauce. I took three tortillas and filled them with the cooked, chopped chicken, a little cheese, more sauce packets from Taco Bell, and Chipotle seasoning salt, wrapped them up, and placed them in a pan. I prepared 1 cup of the Shirley J sauce, covered the tortillas with it, and topped with a bit of cheese and more taco sauce. I was concerned that the recipe wouldn’t have enough cheese – the recipe called for 4 cups, and I had maybe 1 cup of cheese left at the most. However, the sauce was so creamy that it made up for it – Jai actually thought that I must have put a lot of different cheeses in it. The enchiladas were very nice!

And by the way, in case you’re wondering why I have so many Taco Bell sauce packets: No, I do not raid all of their condiments! It’s just that we’ve paid a few visits through Taco Bell’s drive-thru in recent history (ahem) when our schedules were nutty, and every time they would stuff our bags with about 20 packets of sauce. So, I saved the leftover packets and put them in a ziploc bag in the fridge. Waste not, want not!

4 Responses to “Grocery Challenge Meals: Days 23 & 24”

  1. 1

    It all looks scrumptious…wanna come over and cook at my house? 😉

  2. 2
    admin says:

    Candace, you can come over for dinner any day. 😉

  3. 3
    Shasta says:

    Wow! Everything you do, you do so well! Looks yummy and affordable!

  4. 4
    Beeb says:

    Thank you so much, Shasta!

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