Coupon Menu Corner: Nutrisystem

Coupon Funded Menu Corner


Things have been quiet around here because Super Coupon Girl is still in England! I’m very much looking forward to coupon clipping once again when I get back to the US. I did, however, find a creative way to save money on our grocery bill during my absence – Jai joined the Nutrisystem Blogging Challenge and received 10 days worth of free food in exchange for a review on The meals he received are pictured above, and include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts. I’ve talked about using product reviews as a form of bartering before, and it works out well!

Readers: Have you bartered for anything recently?

4 Responses to “Coupon Menu Corner: Nutrisystem”

  1. 1

    Looks great! I bartered for a subscription to PlayOn and it worked!

  2. 2
    TerriAnn says:

    Not really. I need to work on that better as I always feel guilty for asking for things 😛

  3. 3
    Louise says:

    It’s been a while since I’ve come over for a visit. WOW, it looks cool around here. Can’t wait until I can read more couponing from you. I need to start saving LOTS of money, and you have great tips!

  4. 4
    Brandy says:

    I am so not good at couponing 🙁 I love your blog.

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