Coupon Funded Menu Corner: Using My Newest Kitchen Gadget

A lot of my meals this month have involved my new toy: A food processor that I reviewed for Contest Corner (You can read my review of it here if you’re interested). I’ve never owned a food processor before, so I’ve been having great fun putting it to use. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve been making:

Making a smoothie
Smoothies are served!

Fruit smoothies with banana, frozen strawberries, tofu, and milk – I love smoothies, especially during summer months!

Tuna casserole

How’s this for a extra-frugal tuna casserole: I used a free box of Ronzoni macaroni from my stockpile, free organic celery, .22 cent cream of mushroom soup (that I paid for with a gift card!), frozen onion from my freezer cooking day in March, milk, and seasonings.

The main reason I’ve been wanting a food processor is to save time chopping vegetables. Another neat aspect is that because it chops so finely, it means I can add more veggies without increasing volume or overloading the taste – I was able to add a lot more celery to this casserole than I would normally.

Potato salad

I used the free potato salad dressing that I got last month to make a big potato salad for a family reunion this past weekend. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the finished product, but it was a big hit! I used 3 pounds of potatoes, 7 hardboiled eggs, and plenty of celery. This was a perfect way to use up some of my potatoes – every time I buy a bag of potatoes, half of them end up going off before I have a chance to use them, so I’m making an effort to utilize potatoes more often so that they don’t go to waste.

What’s on your menu this week, readers?

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